We met for lunch at a Japanese restaurant call Ichiban Boshi located inside Centre Point mall. There serves a set menu which contains my favourite chicken soup in a pot together with sushi and sashimi fish. In the mist of our conversation, she fished out a book that I instantly knew was for me. Oh no, my heart says, its a book! I hate to read for those who knows me. And my friend knew it too. However, everytime we meet, she has to introduce something about a book for me to read or she will literally buy a book for me to read. She seems to understand that as long as its a gift for me, she knew I will not reject and somehow will diligently do some reading on it.
And so, I recieved the book (with my expressionless face) from her while telling her I hate to read. Hahahaaa. Oh, then, came a familiar name on the print. It spells Paulo Coelho! Sparkle in my eyes began. Its a name that I am familiar with. Out of all authors, somehow in 2005, he stands out among the rest many years back while I was shopping at borders which then I've decided to grab a copy back home to read. And only for him, I will pay to buy a book to read and keep!
The reason why I bought Paulo Coelho book of "The Manual of the Warrior of light" was because he shares the same exact view of life with me. As simple as that. I bought this book years ago and thought that since he spelt out what I think and feel is correct in life, I should keep his copy of book as a momento in case I stray along the way in life. Paulo Coelho is one of the awaken beings in this world. Reading on, you will understand why I say so.
You see? This friend of mine fished out the right book for me! Preferred author but this time a different book, The Alchemist. I've not read this book, but I'm sure it will contain some of the warrior of light which I've read years ago before I've even met her. And so I officially kick off with my content of the day. The Warrior of light.
Look around you, feel the presence of those around you. How many of you realised there are basically 2 types of human beings? Simply those who encourages you and those who discourages you. Those grouped in a team but don't do team work. And those who lived in a family but don't do team work. Anywhere you go, probably, there will be 2 types of human beings. Its just a matter of how many of the 2 types are in your life. And so where ever I go, I have a clear picture of who is around me. Simply I name them "the candle lighter" and "the candle blower".
Candle lighters are those who encourages you to attain happiness. These people are getting rarer on earth simply because as civilisation progress, alot of people are contain in huge organisations that somehow creates a ranking system where it highlights unfairness. And so, from organisations explodes issues like office politics, gossips, boss carrier and the back stabbers. And some spreads to family issues. So who are the candle lighters? They are mainly found in religion, charity functions, individual contributors, journalists, authors, teachers, doctors, artists and musicians. I'm sure there are some which I've missed out, but if you can see the out of balance between the huge MNC organisations around the world ratio to the candle lighters, you will know why some of you rarely meets one in your life. : )
Candle blowers are abundant on earth. Some turned candle blowers without them knowing themselves. Simply because they have been put too long in an organisation and experiences projected them to do candle blowing jobs out of their "claimed experiences". They are generally mature aged and had been through employment. Some turned candle blowers because they are neglected in their family or have bad family parental experiences. They may NOT even know they are candle blowers to others and even their children.
How do you identify between the latters?
Candle lighters normally says things like: "just go where your heart feels, go ahead to do whatever you like in life, you only live once, money is secondary, no harm trying, if it makes you happy just do it, don't get dispair, god is with you, as long as you are happy, I'm with you".
Candle blowers example will normally says things like: "you better not do this or that, its not going to happen, i've experienced it and its bad, I don't think will happen, we are condemned". And will continue to do things to make others unhappy. The reason is because somehow their light in their life has been blown away at certain point of time yet they don't even know and so became a lifeless life and hence turned candle blowers.
Why is it important to know which is the lighter and blower? This is so, when you face issues in life, you don't go to the wrong source. There are so many teenagers today facing problems and ending their young lifes so young. The figure is escalating.
Somehow, there must be a reason why when everyone spends time doing reading, I play the role to observe life. I like to look at human ways and their speeches and observe. I am especially quick in picking up peoples' flaw and so not to repeat their mistakes. Is this the reason why I choose not to be part of an MNC organisation? No, infact, if I am in an organisation, I will bring light source in. However, due to my personnal agenda, I have to grow stronger within myself. A light source so strong within me I cannot keep ignoring.
More miraculously, ever since young, this light source in me is so powerful which continue to stay in my mind. The enlightenment gives me the strength to be able to identify very clearly between good and bad. Justice and evil. Therefore, I always know how to ensure that I'm always in the best environment so that my light source is protected properly from the candle blowers ambushed among the human race.
I knew I had a mission when I was borned and never forgets it even when it was supposedly to be washed away through education and working life, my mission in life continues to be with me. To look for the truth. I have found mine and I know my purpose in life. Today, I look at the clouds and see happiness instead of pondering what is up there like when I was young! And so what is my mission of protecting my light source? I am the Warrior of light and I can relight the candle lighters when theirs are blown out. For when I relight them, they can then lit up other deem lightable blown candles.
And so, the theory of birds of feathers flock together..... I guess I will have to schedule for chinese meal next time I meet my girlfriend to talk about the book, The Alchemist ; )
(Below picture is taken by my hubby when we were in Japan early part of the year. I loved crystals and the natural light that shines thru the crystal piece is simply lovely! I hope thru this picture and article, it will benefit you and shine some light on you if yours has been blown out long long ago .... :)

I so love your blog. Only problem is we didn't take pixs of the wonderful food.
ReplyDeleteU are so right abt the candle lighters and blowers. U and I can give so many examples of the latter huh? This is what I learn from u too - hang around more with the candle lighters because these are people who genuinely care about you and want the best for you, and stop wasting time on people who only care abt themselves or are mean-spirited. We have both been to a great school in a faraway land....
Thanks!!! As a warrior of light, I have a natural strength of relighting ... so in any days if yours is blown off accidentally, I'll always stand by you to lit u back ; ) That's what friends are for : )
U are so sweet! And u know u can count on me too if u need light. If I don't have enough I'll steal some from Rachel, she has tons.
ReplyDeleteYah Yah.... that bright bulb..... she is the powerful source. Me and WY almost melted when she leaned on the chair and says "WaiYi go go, Can you bring me upstairs to see the cream puffs? Pleaseeeee". SOOOO sweet lah!!