So one day (14 July 09), I thought it was good for me to figure out which fruit I like best. To find my favourite fruit. I was eating the cherries while typing this blog topic. I am figuring out if cherries are my favourite fruit because it could be it but there got to be other nicer ones I thought I've forgotten! My mind is wondering the taste of durians and its range(durians are great but messy on hands), strawberries, melon, apples, oranges (never my top list though), pineapples and the only one that could compete closely with the flavorful cherry fruit I'm munching would be the grape from Japan call "Ju Fong". By the way, my dog's chinese name is also named after this fruit. He had a share of the fruit every time we purchased it. My dog's Chinese name is Ng Ju Fong!
Have you tried the Japan grape Ju Fong? Ju Fong could be a brand name or location in Japan. I am not sure. But these grapes are available at Isetan and Market place during the month of July to November yearly. The fruit is priced around S$16.90 for a small pack in a container. Sometimes, it comes in a carton box packaging and priced at S$99. There is a difference in sweetness and fragrant in the fruit packed between the two types of packaging. I have tried both out of curiousity. The S$99/box are of higher grape grades. One bite of the round deep burgundy colour grape could represent the whole pack of a ribena drink. This was what I had described to my sister & brother-in-law when I first introduce this beautiful fruit to them. Indeed, the grape burst its flavor into your mouth on first bite. Fragrant and sweet.
Then I switched my focus on the cherries I was munching still. I can eat around 17 of them at a go, nonstop. The ones I like are huge and deep burgundy color. I believed they are from Australia. By the way, Australians are very lucky to be blessed with this fruit available cheaply in their country. I like Cherries with a good bite. Good cherries are crunchy. I can distinct the difference between the cherry flesh and its skin in my mouth. The flavour is lasting in the mouth if the cherry is huge. Furthermore, they look so cute and innocent on the plate. Seems like saying "I'm cute, come on have a bite of me!". They always look tempting when they are washed and placed on nice dessert plates. I prefer cherries with stalks still attached to them for convenient handling. The green stalk also compliments the redness of the fruit.
So, which fruit is the winner for my favourite fruit? Both fruits are rich in Vitamin C and are antioxidants giver. My choice is for the Cherry fruit! For Ju Fong is not available on my table during Christmas season, but the cherry fruit is. And when I munch the Cherry fruit during Christmas parties, I get the feeling of being in love and happiness! Actually, the feeling is there every time I bite into the fruit!