I heard about the mouse story some time back and decided to blog about it so that I can remember this story too. I shall give a name to this mouse in the story. His name shall be Jamie. A male mouse. I decided on Jamie name becos I don't like Jamie the Chef and his programme but still watches it whenever it is aired on travel and living channel. I cannot disclose why I don't favour his programme becos some of the readers maybe fine with stained nails on food. Overall, his show is still rotten but entertaining for me :P
Story Begins....
It was spring as usual and Jamie the mouse visited his relatives at the country side that year. Every morning, all the mice will go out to work and look for food. Jamie went out with his relatives. He travelled the fields and saw a cow and started chatting happily with the cow. His relatives asked him not to waste time with the cow so that he can start to look for food. Everyday, Jamie did the same thing, roaming around and chatted with other animals while his relative mice wasted no time to look for food. When autumn approached, the rest of the relative mice were gossiping about how horrible Jamie was. Lazy mouse and only knows how to chitchat. A relative mouse said" "See? Instead of looking for food to store up for winter, Jamie went missing again!!! How irresponsible? What a stupid and ridiculous mouse"". Jamie ignored his relative mice and continued to roam around for spring, summer and autumn. We all hated Jame because he does not work like his relatives mice do.
When winter came, all the mice returned to their cold caves where the food was stored. The hole was dark and cold. Every mouse is wondering which mouse would not survived this time round winter!!!! The winter was so icying cold with harsh wind. Suddenly, Jamie started to echo in the still soundless cold cave " hello, my relatives".. can I tell u a conversation i had one day with the cow during one spring? Jamie started to tell his story and all mice were interested. Jamie began to tell the rest of the mice that the field is very pretty with huge mountains as mentioned by the cow. And so, everyday, in the cold cave, Jamie provided new different stories/perspective to his relative mice. Soon, time passed by very fast and spring is approaching again. This time round, all the mice survived the winter. All thanks to Jamie's interesting stories that survived each hard winter day. All mice were also amazed by what a beautiful world their country was which they did not realised while busy looking for food only.
The story I heard ended at this point.
I like this story very much because it teaches alot of people not to judge others or be harshed to them. I guess speak no evil is a lesson in this blog's teaching? For the other mice did not understood that while every mice has its role, some mouse had special role. And what did Mr Jesus commented in the famous bible teaching? Rule number ONE: Judge no one for you will be judge the way you judge on others!!!
(Apologise for the lack of a good picture for this blog. Aiya... anyway, content comes first right? haha)